Book Signing at Ontario Library Association Conference

On Thursday February 2, I had an opportunity to sign advance reader copies of Yesterday’s Dead at the Ontario Library Association Conference held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. It was quite thrilling, actually, since I’d never done that before! I enjoyed talking to the eager attendees who lined up to receive a signed copy at the Organization of Ontario Book Publishers’ booth. The teachers and librarians with whom I spoke were glad to see historical fiction set in Ontario as a support for the social studies curriculum in the middle grades and even for the history curriculum in high school. (A Grade 10 history project was mentioned by more than one teacher!)

1 Comment

  1. Wow Pat. That is wonderful that your book is already out there and finding its appreciative audience. I can hardly wait to get a copy in my hands! Here in Oaxaca I am voraciously reading and have quickly depleted my supply of books. The one negative – books are heavy (and I am not quite ready to embrace new technology)! Look forward to seeing you. Cheers,

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